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MCRE - Media literacy, critical viewing and CREative vision as effective learning approach for people with fewer opportunities

Project number: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-ADU-000033435
Project Duration: 01.01.2022 – 31.12.2023

About the project

The rapid development of information and communication technologies, combined with socio-demographic changes, puts people aged 50+ and low-skilled or low-qualified adults under much more pressure than ever before. In order to keep up with the changes, it will be necessary both to have an appropriate level of media literacy to avoid digital or financial exclusion and to limit the chances of professional or social exclusion. As media convergence progresses, so does the convergence of competences. Media convergence is nothing more than a combination of media, telecommunications and information technology. As these areas overlap, there is also a process of convergence of competences, i.e. the combination of media, information and digital competences. The involvement of the adult educators in the project activities is crucial, as they should actively support adult learners in acquisition of new skills.

The aim of MCRE project is to foster adult education, to increase their media literacy and critical viewing, and to increase the adaptability to the circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic among the people with fewer opportunities (low qualified persons, unemployed youth, adults at poverty risk, etc.) and adult educators from RO, PL, CY, ES, IT, PT. The project aims to support adults in analysing information so that they can be more resilient to fake news and disinformation and equip them with tools (mobile application) to analyse fake news.

Project results